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Alexandra OANŢĂ (NACU), Short Digression in the History Referring to the Control of Constitutionality in Romania

Alexandra OANŢĂ (NACU)
PhD candidate, Faculty of Law, University of Craiova, Romania;
E-mail: oanta.alexandra@yahoo.com

Published on October 31, 2016

This short excursion in the history of the control over the constitutionality of laws in Romania, shows us that, in the period prior to 1912, in Romania, there used to be an incipient and accidental form of control of constitutionality, exercised by the Court of Cassation. Between 1912 and 1923, it was exercised by the judges from all the courts, regardless their degree, while the Constitutions from 1923 and 1938 were stipulating that only the Court of Cassation and Justice, in joint sections, had the competence to judge the constitutionality of laws. The socialist constitutions stipulated the political control over the constitutionality of laws, exercised by the Grand National Assembly, and, in 1991, the Romanian constituent legislator implemented, for the first time in Romania, the institution of the control over the constitutionality of laws, exercised by an independent and specialised jurisdictional body, appointed by the Constitutional Court.

control of constitutionality, law, court, Constitutional Court, competence.


  1. G. Alexianu, Curs de drept constituțional, Bucharest, Casa Şcoalelor Publishing House, 1930, vol. I.
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  5. C. Avram, Gh. Bică, I. Bitoleanu, I. Vlad, R. Radu, E. Paraschiv, Introducere în istoria dreptului, Fundaţia România de Mâine Publishing House, Bucharest, 2007.
  6. K. Benke, Provocări ale controlului de constituționalitate: trecut şi viitor, available at the address http://www.ccr.ro/ccrold/events/conferinta/benke_vechi.pdf.
  7. Muraru, Gh. Iancu, Constituțiile române. Texte. Note. Prezentare comparativă, Bucharest, Regia Autonomă Monitorul Oficial Publishing House, 1995.
  8. L. Duguit, Les transformations du droit public, Paris, Librairie A. Colin, 1913.
  9. M. Criste, Controlul constituționalității legilor în România, aspecte istorice şi instituționale, Bucharest, Lumina Lex Publishing House, 2002.
  10. G. Alexianu, Dreptul constituțional, Bucharest, Librăria Socec & CO Publishing House, 1929.
  11. D. Valea, Sistemul de control al constituționalității din România, Bucharest, Universul Juridic Publishing House, 2010.
  12. I. Deleanu, Justiția constituțională, Bucharest, Lumina Lex Publishing House, 1995.
  13. Şt. Deaconu, Necesitatea reformării Curţii Constituţionale a României prin revizuirea Constituţiei – o viziune izvorâtă din practica Curţii Constituţionale în cei 20 de ani de existenţă, available at the address http://www.icj.ro/S_Deaconu.pdf
  14. C. Ionescu, Regimul politic în România, Bucharest, All Beck Publishing House, 2002.
  15. M. Criste, Instituții constituționale contemporane, Timişoara, De Vest Publishing House, 2010.
  16. C. Avram, R. Radu, Regimuri politice contemporane: Democraţiile, Craiova, Aius Publishing House, 2007.
  17. Şt. Deaconu, Necesitatea reformării Curţii Constituţionale a României…, p. 8; C. Ionescu, Regimul politic în România, Bucharest, All Beck Publishing House, 2002.
  18. Decision no.854 from the 23rd of June 2011, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 672 from the 2st of September 2011 and the Decision no. 515 from the 15th of May 2012, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 421 from the 25th of June 2012.
  19. Decision no. 515 from the 15th of May 2012, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 421 from the 25th of June 2012.
  20. M. van Kerkhove, Fr. Ost, Le sistème juridique entre ordre et desordre, Paris, PUF, 1988.

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