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King Carol I and Crown Prince Ferdinand’s Visit to Craiova (1-3 October 1890)

Alexandru CERNAT
PhD. Student, Doctoral School of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Craiova;

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Published on December 19, 2022

The end of the 19th century, more precisely the year 1890, represented for the people of Craiova the opportunity to witness a new royal visit, this time a very special one, because for the first time the Crown Prince Ferdinand visited the city of Craiova with his uncle, King Carol I. The visit lasted 3 days, 13 October, being perhaps one of the most eventful visits, at least in terms of the very busy schedule. Many schools were visited, both girls’ and boys’ schools, as well as hospitals or prisons were among the objectives of the visit. The Craiova society was involved in the big event, with demonstrations taking place in which many people participated. There was also criticism in the antidynastic press of the time, many aspects of the organization of the visit being attacked. The visit remains one of reference for Craiova, the magnitude of the event echoing in the press and the documents of the time.

Craiova, visit, Carol I, Ferdinand, theatre


“Adevărul”, year III, no. 634, of 3rd October 1890; no. 635, of  4th October 1890; no. 636, of  5th October 1890.

Dolj County Service of National Archives, Madona Dudu Church Trusteeship Fund, file no. 22/1890.

Firescu, A., Gheorghiu, C., History of the Craiova National Theatre: 1850-2000, Craiova, Aius Publishing House, 2000.

Georgescu, M., Murărețu, M., Purcaru, L., Yesterday’s Craiova: 1927-1947, vol. I, Cluj-Napoca, Argonaut Publishing House, 2020.

Journal. Carol I of Romania, vol. II, 1888-1892. Establishment of the text, translation from German, introductory study, and notes by Vasile Docea, Iași, Polirom Publishing House, 2014.

“Official Gazette of Romania”, no. 149, of 4th October 1890; no. 150, of  5th October 1890.

The Letters of King Ferdinand of Romania, vol. I, text establishment, notes, and introductory study by Sorin Cristescu, Târgoviște, Cetatea de Scaun Publishing House, 2015.

“Voința Națională”, an. VII, no. 1801 (B), of 2nd October 1890; year VII, no. 1802 (B), of 3rd  October 1890; year VII, no. 1804 (B), of 5th October 1890.

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