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Evolutionary Aspects of the Romanian Rural Environment in the Context of Regional Developmenent and European Financial Instruments

PhD. Student, Doctoral School of Plant and Animal Resources Engineering, Faculty of Horticulture, University of Craiova, Romania;

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Published on December 19, 2022

The present study captures aspects of the development of the Romanian rural world, which represents one of the priorities of national policies in recent years, in accordance with regional development and European financial instruments. The development policy, together with the European programs, with the structural and cohesion funds, represents an important effort for Romania, and for a correct and successful management, the administrative capacity of the national authorities must also to be take into consideration. For the development of the rural world, the focus was on the opportunities offered by the European context in which we find ourselves, and our research managed to capture, in broad terms, the fact that agricultural development and the modernization of villages are necessary and must take place as a continuous and complex process, with viable and concrete measures.

rural, regional development, financial instruments, priority, operational programs


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