3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
Published on December 20, 2021
Being situated at the convergence of some important civilisations, the region of Oltenia was crossed by a complex network of roads. These had a significant role in the socio-economical development of Oltenia, in the shaping and the evolution of the settlement network, especially in the intersection points. The road network that crossed Oltenia includes those great routes of the country or the official routes, well known, and less known routes, the so-called traditional roads.
Along the centuries, the travelling axis have maintained a permanent connection with each other, in all the provinces of the country, but also between them and the exterior of Romania.
Oltenia, old roads, human settlements, economy, trade
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