Wednesday , February 19 2025

Antoaneta Laura SAVA, The participation of the Regiments from Oltenia to the actions carried out by “Tudor Vladimirescu” Division

Antoaneta Laura SAVA
3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD. The “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;

Published on December 20, 2021

“Tudor Vladimirescu” Division, created out of Romanian prisoners based on voluntaries, the purpose of it being that to eliminate the military men that proved hostile to the communists of the USSR, of controlling the armed forces of Romania politically and ideologically. The imposing of the social system was made through the instrumentality of the volunteering formations founded on the territory of
the Soviet Union, through the captured war prisoners.
“Tudor Vladimirescu” Division was the first Romanian military formation on the territory of USSR that benefited by the services of a political body.

division, soldiers, commanders, regiment, war


  1. Romanian National Military Archives, “Registrul Istoric”, file no. 71/1946.
  2. Alesandru Duțu, Florica Dobre, Leonida Loghin, Armata română în al II- lea Război Mondial 1941-1945, Bucharest, Encyclopedic Publishing, 1999.
  3. Ioan Chiper, Florin Constantiniu, Adrian Pop, Sovietizarea României. Percepţii anglo-americane, Bucharest, Iconica Press, 1993.
  4. Nichita Adăniloaie, Vasile Alexandrescu și alții, Istoria militară a poporului român, vol. IV, Bucharest, Military Press, 1987.

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