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Antoaneta Laura SAVA, The “Renault” business and the visit of the secretary of state for foreign trade from France, Charles de Chambrun (1966)

Antoaneta Laura SAVA
3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD. The “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
E-mail: savaantoaneta@yahoo.com

Published on December 17, 2020

Because the representatives of the “Renault” and “Volkswagen” companies did not show any interest, in the period 1973–1976, for a collaborationin the direction expected by the authorities from Bucharest, Nicolae Ceauşescu agreed on the prime minister Manea Mănescu signing a contract and several industrial and financial collaboration agreements, with the purpose of producing, at Craiova, under French licence, the models “Citroën Visa Spécial” and “Citroën Visa Club” (called in Romania, “Oltcit Special” and “Oltcit Club”).
Meanwhile, the collaboration of Romania with “Renault” National Administration continued according to the intentions expressed by the prime minister Raymond Barre and Manea Mănescu in Paris (the 17th of December 1976), and the Romanian-French agreement concluded in the summer of 1978 (Bucharest, the 12thof June 1978), having the purpose to certify the continuation of “Dacia 1300”production, along with certain subsets, electric engines, dashboard instruments and components for the machines used in the car industry from Romania.

fields, authority, car manufacturing industry, Renault company, development


  1. Valentina Fava, Motor vehicles vs. dollars: selling socialist cars in neutral markets. Some evidence from the Škoda Auto case, European University Institute, Max Weber Programme, Italy, EUI Working Paper MWP, No. 36/2007.
  2. Idem, COMECON Integration and the Automobile Industry: the Czechoslovak Case, European University Institute, Max Weber Programme, Italy, EUI Working Paper MWP, No. 18/2008.
  3. Marko Miljković, Western Technology in a Socialist Factory: The Formative Phase of the Yugoslav Automobile Industry, 1955–1962, Budapest, Hungary, Central European University, 2013.
  4. Valentin Vasile, “Sub imperiul ispitei”. Autoturismul, românii şi Securitatea în anii ’70–’80, in “Caietele CNSAS”, year VI, no. 1–2 (11–12)/2013, Bucharest, CNSAS Press, 2014.
  5. Nicolae Macovei, Povestea unui succes. 50 de ani de la producerea primului autoturism Dacia,in “Magazin istoric”, year LI –new series, no. 9 (618), September 2018.
  6. Rodica Chelaru, Culpe care nu se uită. Convorbiri cu Cornel Burtică, Bucharest, Curtea Veche Publishing, 2001.
  7. Central Historical National Archives (further cited as: A.N.I.C.), collection of C.C. within R.C.P. –Chancellery,file no. 218/1968, f. 58. “Renault Estafette” was renamed “Dacia D6” in Romania. This car was using a 1289 cm3engine (54 CP) fitted on “Dacia 1300” model too, and it was dedicated to goods transportation
  8. Paul Grecu, Vizita preşedintelui României în Franţa (15–17 iunie 1970), in Nicolae Ecobescu(coord.), România: Supravieţuire şi afirmare prin diplomaţie în anii Războiului Rece. Comunicări, articole, studii, vol. 3, Târgovişte, Cetatea de Scaun Publishing, 2014.
  9. Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Daily Reports, Daily Report.Eastern Europe, FBIS-EEU-74-128 on1974-07-02. Romania (Further Details) [Page H7].
  10. Idem, Daily Report. Eastern Europe, FBIS-EEU-79-228 on1979-11-26. Reportage on activities of foreign congress delegates, Romania, (SED Delegation at Car Plant) [Page H14].
  11. Idem, Daily Report. Eastern Europe, FBIS-EEU-76-245 on1976-12-20. Romania (Manescu, Barre end Paris talks, sign documents) [Page H2]; 12. Idem, Daily Report. Western Europe, FBIS-WEU-76-246 on1976-12-21. France (Manescu discusses contracts with French Companies) [Page K1]; Idem, Daily Report. Eastern Europe, FBIS-EEU-78-114 on1978-06-13. Romania (Long-term agreement with Renault signed) [Page H9].

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