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Home / Yearbook nr. XIX/2018 / Sorin DINULESCU, Principles and Objectives of Territorial Cohesion Policy

Sorin DINULESCU, Principles and Objectives of Territorial Cohesion Policy

PhD. candidate, University of Craiova, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Romania;

Published on December 4, 2018

The study presents the importance and principles of EU cohesion policy. In the literature, territorial cohesion is regarded as a complex process in a continuous evolution and transformation. Achieving and developing regional cohesion policies has been a response to the different types of issues that the Community space faces and needs to be tackled through direct intervention by the actors involved, providing, in time, for a framework that allows for better functioning and implementation.
Cohesion policy is an important and complex policy, a policy of controversy in terms of implementation and efficiency, but also because of the global context where the economic crisis, climate change and the many challenges of globalization are pressing the Union and emphasizing the need for effective results. It acts in favor of development in the various fields and has seen numerous changes over time.

cohesion policy, development, principles, financing, economic, social and territorial cohesion.


  1. Gabriela Motoi, Mihaela Bărbieru, A Comparative Analysis on the Regional Policy and Coordinating of Structural Instruments before and after Romania’s Accession to EU,in“Is There Enough Europe and union in the European Union?”, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2016.
  2. Inforegio panorama. Politica de coeziune a UE între 1988–2008: o investiţie în viitorul Europei, Foreword by Dirk Ahner, nr. 26/2008 [on-line]. Available at regional_policy/sources/docgener/panorama/pdf/mag 26/mag26_en.pdf.
  3. Danuta Hübner, Regiunile contează, in “Inforegio panorama. Politica de coeziune a UE între 1988–2008: o investiţie în viitorul Europei”, nr. 26/2008, [on-line]. Available at regional_policy/sources/docgener/panorama/pdf/ mag26/mag26_en.pdf.
  4. Vladimir Špidla, 1989–1993: From projects to programmes, in “Inforegio panorama. Politica de coeziune a UE între 1988–2008: o investiţie în viitorul Europei”, nr. 26/2008, [on-line]. Available at sources/docgener/panorama/pdf/mag26/mag26_en.pdf.
  5. Mihaela Bărbieru, With or Without Regionalization? Realities, Challenges and Prospects in a European Union of the Regions, in “Revista de Ştiinţe Politice”, nr. 47/2015, Craiova, Universitaria Publishing.
  6. Parlamentul European. Fişe tehnice privind Uniunea Europeană. Coeziune. Coeziunea economică, socială şi teritorială, [online]. Available at
  7. Cartea albă a Comitetului Regiunilor privind guvernanţa pe mai multe niveluri, Bruxelles, 2009, [on-line]. Available at dv/livre-blanc_/livre-blanc_ro.pdf
  8. Comisia Europeană, Principiul parteneriatului în implementarea fondurilor care fac obiectul cadrului strategic comun – elemente pentru un cod european de conduită în materie de parteneriat, Bruxelles, 2012.
  9. Politica de coeziune economicăşi socială în Uniunea Europeană, [e-book], p. 39. Available at Politicaregionalasidecoeziune.pdf

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