Tuesday , February 18 2025

Cezar AVRAM, Aspects regarding Romania’s foreign and military policy during the period 1941–1943

Scientific Researcher I, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
E-mail: avramcezar@yahoo.com

Published on December 17, 2020

This material captures the politico-military relations between Romania and Italy during the period 1941–1943, a brief presentation of the Romanian diplomacy at that time.
Pendulating between the hypothesis of creating a barrier against Russian Slavism through a union with Italy and the fall of the fascist dictatorship, the Romanian-Italian relations bore the stamp of those troubled times, when mutual distrust and pursuit of one’s own interests were obvious.
With immeasurable losses, Romania, allied with Germany until 23 August 1944, continued the total war, this time against the former ally – Germany.

world war, diplomacy, diplomatic representation, fascism, dictatorship


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  3. Caroli Giuliano, I rapporti italo-romeni nel 1940: la visita di Antonescu o Roma, in “Revisto di studi politici internazionali”, XLV, 1978.
  4. Istoria românilor, vol. IX. România in anii 1940–1947, Bucharest, Encyclopedic Publishing, 2008.
  5. Florin Constantiniu, Ilie Schipor, Trecerea Nistrului, 1941. O decizie controversată, Bucharest, 1995.
  6. V. Fl. Dobrinescu, I. Pătroiu, Gh. Nicolescu, Relații politico-diplomatice și militare româno-italiene (1914–1947), Craiova, Intact Publishing, 1999.
  7. Giuliano Proccaci, Istoria italienilor, Bucharest, Politic Publishing, 1975.
  8. Jaques de Lauay, Mari decizii ale celui de-al doilea război mondial, vol. II, Bucharest, Scientific and Encyclopedic Publishing, 1988.
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