Scientific Researcher I, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
E-mail: avramcezar@yahoo.com
3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
E-mail: miha_barbieru@yahoo.com
Published on October 31, 2016
During the years 1941-1944, Craiova had certainly the same fate as all the big cities of Romania. The subject of the research conducted by the authors consists in the activity undertahen in this period by the iron-guardists, the communists, as well as in the attitude of Antonescu’s regime towards Jews, Romanies, Polish refugees, people from Bessarabia and Bucovina and also towards the German troops in transit. The paper also presents the authorities’ informing notes regarding the population’s state of mind in this period and the aftermath of the Anglo-American bombing over Craiova.
war, iron-guardists, Jews, bombing, state of mind.
- Dinu C. Giurescu (coord.), Istoria Românilor. Vol. IX. România în anii 1940-1947, Bucharest, Encyclopedic Publishing House, 2008.
- Dinu C. Giurescu (coord.), Istoria României în date, Bucharest, Encyclopedic Publishing House, 2003.
- The Official Journal no. 39 of 15 February 1941.
- Cezar Avram (coord.) et. al., Dicționar istoric al localităților din județul Dolj. Craiova, vol. V, Craiova, Alma Publishing, 2005.
- Serviciul Județean al Arhivelor Naționale Dolj, Dolj Prefecture fund, file no. 911/1944, file no. 4/1943, file no. 252/1940, file no. 672/1943, file no. 15/1941, file no. 10/1943, file no. 749/1942, file no. 25/1942.
- Istoria Craiovei, Scrisul Românesc Publishing, Craiova, 1977.