Tuesday , February 18 2025

Cezar AVRAM, Mihaela BĂRBIERU, The Application of the Land Reform of 1864 in Vâlcea county

Scientific Researcher I, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
E-mail: avramcezar@yahoo.com

3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
E-mail: miha_barbieru@yahoo.com

Published on December 4, 2018

The application of the land reform of 1864, which brought about the apportionment of 42,218 hectares to 14,594 inhabitants, reduced the ownership of the landed gentry who still possessed between 50 and 5,000 ha, without resolving the lack of land and tools with most of the inhabitants of the Romanian villages. As a result of the faulty application of this reform, the world of Romanian village experienced new uprisings which culminated in the Revolt of 1907.

reform, bondsmen, apportionment commission, leaseholders, Vâlcea county.


  1. G. Cerbu, A Deac, Mișcări și frământări țărănești în România la sfârșitul secolului al XIX-lea (1889-1900), Bucharest, Stiințific Publishing, 1965.
  2. “Telegraful” from 11 February, apud Enciclopedia Județului Vâlcea, vol. I, Râmnicu-Vâlcea, Fortuna Publishing, 2010.
  3. N. Adăniloaie, D. Berindei, Reforma agrară din 1864, Bucharest, Academy Publishing, 1967.
  4. Henri H. Sthal, Contribuții la studiul satelor devălmașe românești, vol. I, Bucharest, Academy Publishing, 1958.
  5. G.D. Creangă, Proprietatea rurală în România, Bucharest, 1907.
  6. Serviciul Județean Vâlcea al Arhivelor Naționale, fund Prefectura județului Vâlcea, file 7/1880, file 31/1866, file 32/1866, file 7/1884, file 53/1878, file 94/1879, file 1/1885, file 7/1880, file 45/1894.
  7. 1907 în județul Vâlcea, Bălcești pe Topolog, 1974, p. XV.
  8. C. Corbu, Țărănimea din România între 1864 și 1888, Bucharest, Stiințific Publishing, 1970.
  9. Radu Rossetti, Pentru ce s-au răsculat țăranii, Bucharest, 1907.
  10. Enciclopedia Județului Vâlcea, vol. I, Râmnicu-Vâlcea, Editura Fortuna, 2010, p. 330.

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