Tuesday , February 18 2025

Cezar AVRAM, Mihaela BĂRBIERU, The Year 1952 – Important Moment in the Working-Class Democracy in the People’s Republic of Romania

Scientific Researcher I, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
E-mail: avramcezar@yahoo.com

3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
E-mail: miha_barbieru@yahoo.com

Published on October 31, 2016

The year 1952 represents for Romania a climax of export Stalinism, a moment when the power of Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej and of the commmunist leaders’ group around him was established.
The collectivization of agriculture, the development of socialist property, the adopted repressive laws, the Party plenaries and the conferences of certain important professional sections of the society generating new people, the successive trials and sentences, as well as the Soviet Constitution of 1936, evidenced in the 87 articles of the Romanian fundamental Law of September that year, are the achievements of the totalitarian regime, which had managed to annihilate the course of Romanian democratic history and to forcefully trigger the process of alienation of citizens deprieved of real rights. The authors present the main events in the People’s Republic of 1952, trying to capture both the power struggle within the party and the drastic diminuation of private property.

Constitution, power, repression, plenary meeting, communist regime.


  1. Stephen White, Economic Performance and Communist Legitimacy, in “World Politics”, vol. 38, nr. 3/1986.
  2. See David Betham, The Legitimation of Power, Londra, MacMillan, 1991.
  3. See Linda J. Cook, Brezhnev’s Social Contract and Gorbachev’s Reforms, in “Soviet Studies”, vol. 44, nr. 1, 1999.
  4. Cezar Avram (coord.), Introducere în istoria dreptului, Bucharest, Fundața România de Mâine Publishing, 2007.
  5. Dinu C. Giurescu (coord.), Istoria Românilor. Volumul X. România în anii 1948-1989, Bucharest, Encyclopedic Publishing House, 2013.
  6. See Dinu C. Giurescu (coord.), Istoria României în date, Bucharest, Encyclopedic Publishing, 2003.
  7. The Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 147/1952 regarding the carrying into effect of the monetary reform and the reductions in prices, in force from 26 January 1952 to 24 November 1997, abrogated by Decision No. 735 of 1997.
  8. Cezar Avram, Deceniul stalinist. Colectivizarea în fața istoriei, Panciova, “Libertatea” Press and Publishing House, 2005.
  9. The Plenaries of 26-27 May 1952 and 19-20 August 1953.
  10. Speech delivered at the Congress of the primary school teachers of the RPR (10 April 1952) by Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, in “Studii. Revistă de istorie şi filosofie”, anul 5/1952, nr. II/April-June, Buchares, Publishing House of the Academy of the Romanian People’s Republic.
  11. The telegrames exchanged on the occasion of 9 May 1952 celebration to comrade Iosif Vissarionovici Stalin, in “Studii. Revistă de istorie şi filosofie”, anul 5/1952, nr. II/April-June, Bucharest, Publishing House of the Academy of the Romanianʼs People Republic.
  12. Mihnea Berindei, Dorin Dobrincu, Armonad Goşu (editors), Istoria comunismului din România. Documente perioada Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej (1945-1965), Bucharest, Humanitas Publishing House, 2009.
  13. “Scânteia”, nr. 2364 of 3 June (Editorial).
  14. I. V. Stalin, Works. April 1929-June 1930, vol. 12, PMR Publishing House, Bucharest, 1951.
  15. “Studii. Revistă de istorie şi filosofie”, year V/1952, no. 2, April-June The Publishing House of RPR Academy.
  16. Pentru continua întărire a partidului, in “Studii. Revistă de istorie şi filosofie”, year V/1952, no. 2/April-June, The Publishing House of RPR Academy.
  17. The plenary meeting of the CC of the RWP 26-27 May 1952, în “Studii. Revistă de istorie şi filosofie”, year 5/1952, No. II/April-June, Bucharest, Publishing House of RPR Academy.
  18. Cezar Avram, Politici agrare în Oltenia anilor 1949-1962. Mutații socio-economice în satul românesc, Craiova, The South Publishing House, 1999.
  19. Gail Kligman, Katherine Verdery, Țăranii sub asediu. Colectivizarea agriculturii în România (1949-1962), Iași, Polirom Publishing House, 2015.
  20. Official Journal No. 1 of 27 September 1952.
  21. Ioan Scurtu, Ion Alexandrescu, Ion Bulei, Ion Mamina, Enciclopedia de Istorie a României, Bucharest, Meronia Publishing House, 2001.
  22. Mihaela Cristina Verzea, Partidul stat. Structuri politice (1948-1965), Cetatea de Scaun Publishing, Târgovişte, 2013.

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