Wednesday , February 19 2025

Daniela OSIAC, An Anthropological View Over the International Organizations

Daniela OSIAC
Lecturer, PhD, University of Craiova, Faculty of Letters, Department of Journalism, Communication and Educational Science, Romania;

Published on October 31, 2016

International Organizations are, especially today, important factors regarding the evolution of societies. This is why, in this study we try to apply Durkheim’s theory about society to these structures that influence so much our day by day evolution. The individual is connected to his environment and his form of organization. His form of organization also affects the individual and his environment. Nowadays, besides states, IGO’s are the most important factor in shaping the evolution of individual and society.

International Organization, Emile Durkheim, Anthropology, NATO, European Union.


  1. Birgit Müller, Anthropology of International Governance (AIG), available at
  2. Vasile Popa, Alexandra Sracinski, Perspective în evoluția organizațiilor internaționale de securitate, Bucharest, „Carol I” National Defence University Publishing House, 2007.
  3. Robert Deliege, O istorie a antropologiei, Bucharest, Cartier Publishing, 2007.
  4. Boundless, Durkheim’s Mechanical and Organic Solidarity, Boundless Sociology, Boundless, 26 May. 2016, available at
  5. Charles Perry, A Proposal to Recycle Mechanical and Organic Solidarity in Community Sociology, in “Rural Sociology”, vol. 51, no. 3/1986
  6. Emile Durkheim, Divitsion of Labour in society, New York, The Free Press, 1933.
  7. Nicolae Panea, Antropologie culturala si sociala, Craiova, Omniscop Publishing, 2000.
  8. Emile Durkheim, Divitsion of Labour in society, New York, The Free Press, 1933.
  9. The North Atlantic Treaty, 4 April 1949, available at
  10. Cristina Paiusan Nuica, Istoria Relațiilor Internaționale și a Diplomației (1945-2008), Bucharest, The Publishing House of România de Mâine Foundation, 2008.
  11. Cezar Avram, Roxana Radu, Laura Gaicu, Uniunea Europeana trecut și prezent, Craiova, Universitaria Publishing House, 2006.

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