Lecturer, PhD. candidate, Faculty of Education, Departmentof Education and Culture, University of North Sumatera, Indonesia;
Published on December 17, 2020
This research has as aim to disclose the effectiveness of scientific approach learning the technique of OCM (Observed, Copied and Modified) on improving student learning outcomes of Indonesian Language subject especially exposition text material in class of X Science I. The approach used in this research is qualitative-quantitative approach within the mixed method research design. This research obtained by Classroom Action research style because the process of research included an action inside classroom. Population of this research the are students of State High School 2 Bandar 2019–2020, while the sample taken from first grade student of X Science I class (33 students). This research has two variable dependent and independent variable. Independent variable is scientific approach of Observe, Copy and Modify technique, and the dependent variable is student learning outcomes. The resultof this research indicated that there is an improvement of result from pre-cycle test; I cycle test and II cycle test. Based on the result, it canbe concluded that scientific approach and OCM (Observe, Copy and Modify) technique is an effective way to improve student learning outcomes on exposition text material.
Scientific Approach, Learning Technique, Exposition Text, Dependentvariable, Independent variable
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