Diana-Mihaela PĂUNOIU
3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
E-mail: dianamihaelapaunoiu@yahoo.com.
Published on October 31, 2017
Festive propaganda represented one of the main instruments of the carlist propaganda machinery, putting a monopole on organisation of national, religious and royal celebrations happened from the beginning of the royal dictatorship regime. In this context, we plan to retrace and analyse, using information coming from archive documents, the organisation and deployment of the Holy celebration of Christmas within activity program of The Guard of the Motherland in Oltenia county between years 1938-1939.
ancestral traditions, Christmas Holiday, Guard of the Motherland, official propaganda, carlist dictatorship.
- Diana-Mihaela Păunoiu, Sărbătoare și propagandă în timpul regelui Carol al II-lea (1938-1940), Bucharest, Romanian Academy Publishing House, 2013.
- Enciclopedia României, vol. I, Statul, the direction committee Dimitrie Gusti, Const. Orghidan, Mircea Vulcănescu, Virgiliu Leonte, Bucharest, National Printing House, 1938.
- Alexandru Vaida-Voevod, Memorii, vol. III, preface, elaborated edition, notes and comments by Alexandru Șerban, Cluj-Napoca, Dacia Publishing House, 2006.
- Tudor Vişan-Miu, La școală cu regele Mihai. Povestea Clasei Palatine, Bucharest, Corint Publishing House, 2016.
- “România. Organ al Frontului Renaşterii Naţionale” [“România. Organ of the National Renaissance Front”], year II, No. 567 (Christmas number), 25.XII.1939.
- National Archives of Romania, Dolj County Department, Liceul Elena Cuza fund, file no. 1/1938-1939.
- “Monitorul Oficial”, part I, year CVI, No. 292, December 15, 1938.
- National Archives of Romania, Dolj County Department, Rezidența Regală a Ținutului Olt fund, Administrative Service, file no. 22/1939.
- “Semnalul”, year 1, no. 271, December 21, 1938; “Universul”, year 55, no. 348, December 21, 1938.
- National Archives of Romania, Dolj County Department, Primăria Municipiului Craiova fund, file no. 127/1939, Rezidența Regală a Ținutului Olt fund, Administrative Service, file no. 7/1939.
- Diana-Mihaela Păunoiu, Rezidenţa Regală a Ţinutului Olt (1938-1940), Bucharest, Romanian Academy publishing house, 2012.
- National Archives of Romania, Dolj County Department, Primăria Municipiului Craiova fund, file no. 127/1939.
- National Archives of Romania, Gorj County Department, Poliția orașului Târgu Jiu fund, file no. 1/1939.
- National Archives of Romania, Dolj County Department, Rezidența Regală a Ținutului Olt fund, Administrative Service, file no. 9/1939.