Tuesday , February 18 2025

Diana-Mihaela PĂUNOIU, Measures to reduce/eliminate the concubinage in Olt County (1938–1940)

Diana-Mihaela PĂUNOIU
3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD. “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
E-mail: dianamihaelapaunoiu@yahoo.com

Published on December 17, 2020

In this article are analysed the steps taken by the authorities of the monarchic dictatorship regime of King Carol II to reduce and, even, eliminate the concubinage in the Olt County (ţinut), with the purpose of reaffirmation of the Christian family in the Romanian society, as defining element of national identity, but also to transpose in practice the concept of family as defined by the Constitution from 1938.

family, concubinage, organized marriages, King Carol II, Olt County (ţinut)


  1. Istoria Românilor, vol. VIII, România întregită (1918–1940), Bucharest, Encyclopedic Publishing House, 2003.
  2. Cf. Biserica şi problemele sociale. Conferinţe, f. l., Tipografia Cărţilor Bisericeşti, 1933.
  3. Armand Călinescu, Noul regim: cuvântări 1938–1939, 2ndEdition, Bucharest, DoMinor Publishing House, 2003.
  4. Constituţiunea Regele Carol [al]II [lea]. Promulgată prin Înalt Decret Regal Nr. 1045 din 27 Februarie 1938. Publicată în “Monitorul Oficial”Nr. 48 din 27 Februarie 1938, Published exclusively by the Liga pentru Unitatea Culturală a tuturor Românilor, f. l., 1938.
  5. S.J.A.N. Dolj, Royal Residency of Olt County fund, Administrative Service, Section State Administration, file No. 86/1939.
  6. Diana-Mihaela Păunoiu, “Mother’s Day” in the Year 1939 –Opportunity for Celebration and Propaganda:Olt County, in “Anuarul Institutului de Cercetări Socio-Umane «C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor»”, no. 12/2011, Craiova.
  7. S.J.A.N., Olt, Olt County Prefecture fund, file nr. 20/1938.
  8. Diana-Mihaela Păunoiu, Rezidenţa regală a ţinutului Olt, Bucharest, Romanian Academy Publishing House, 2012.
  9. S.J.A.N., Vâlcea, Govora Police Detachment fund, file no. 12/1940.
  10. S.J.A.N., Gorj, Târgu Jiu City Police fund, file no. 1/1940, ff. 20–23; S.J.A.N. Dolj, Royal Residency of Olt County fund, Administrative service, file no. 292/1940.

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