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Diana-Mihaela PĂUNOIU, Peasant’s Superior Classes and Schools in Oltenia during King Carol II (1938–1940)

Diana-Mihaela PĂUNOIU
3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
E-mail: dianamihaelapaunoiu@yahoo.com

Published on October 31, 2016

In this paper some aspects are being analysed regarding “cultural politics” started during carlist regime, with the accent on organisation and progress of the peasant’s classes and schools in Oltenia County. Their programs contained theoretical knowledges and practical applications, depending on the specific of the areas where were being held. Were though, by the protagonists of the carlist regime, to offer a minimum of knowledges from various fields and, in the same time, to be interdependent, so will contribute to the lifting of quality of life within village’s population. The peasant’s schools offered an organisational role model for the peasant life, in its assembly.

peasant’s schools, quality of life, King Carol II, Social Service, Community Home.


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  9. National Archives of Romania, Dolj County Department, fund Rezidenţa Regală a Ţinutului Olt, Administrative Department, file no. 18/1939.
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  11. National Archives of Romania, Dolj County Department, fund Rezidenţa Regală a Ţinutului Olt, Administrative Department, file no. 21/1939.
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