Tuesday , February 18 2025

Elena PÎRVU, Some Remarks on the Correspondence between the Italian Relative Pronoun cui and the Romanian Relative Pronoun care

Professor, PhD., Faculty of Letters, University of Craiova, Romania;
E-mail: elena_pirvu@outlook.com

Published on December 20, 2021

The article approaches a topic that is challenging primarily because of the terminology used in the source and target languages: the correspondence between the Italian relative pronoun cui, which is only used as an indirect object (i.e. a complement of specification, a receiver complement, a topical complement, etc.) and the corresponding Romanian pronoun care, acting as a pronominal modifier in the genitive case, as an indirect object in the dative case (without a preposition) or as a prepositional indirect object in the accusative case.

cui, care, relative pronoun, terminology, correspondence


  1. Maurizio Dardano – Pietro Trifone, Grammatica italiana. Con nozioni di linguistica, Terza edizione, Bologna, Zanichelli, 1995.
  2. Gramatica limbii române, 2nd volume, 2nd edition revised and supplemented, Bucharest, Romanian Academy Publishing, 1966.
  3. Gramatica limbii române, 1st volume, 2nd edition revised and supplemented, Bucharest, Romanian Academy Publishing, 1966, p. 97 and Mioara Avram, Gramatica pentru toţi, 3rd edition, Bucharest, Humanitas Publishing, 2001.

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