Wednesday , February 19 2025

Gabriel CROITORU, The Leftist Extremism Reflected in the Documents of Craiova City Police Office (1919–1940)

3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;

Published on October 31, 2016

Starting from the analysis we have made on the basis of the archives documents of the collection available at the Police Office of Craiova city, our paper creates a radiography of the leftist extremism manifested in Romania in the interwar period. Therefore, the orders, the circulars, the instructions, the strictly secret and confidential informing notes issued by the Police Office of Craiova and by the police organizations under its jurisdictional authority, throw even more light on the activity carried out by the Comitern and by its branch in Romania, the Romanian Communist Party, regarding not only the liquidation of Romania’s democratic regime and the setting up of the proletariat’s dictatorship, but also regarding the Soviet revisionism, which was claiming, throughout that period, the urgent separation of Bessarabia, and not only, from the Romanian state.

the III Internationale, extremism, communism, irredentism, revisionism.


  1. Dolj County Department of the National Archives, Documents collection of Craiova Police Office, no. 1061, the collection comprises 1553 archives documents, the limit years being 1832-1951.
  2. Dinică Ciobotea, Ileana Cioarec, Emilian Cojocaru, Gabriel Croitoru, Constantin Nicolescu (coord.), Din istoria instituției poliției în județul Dolj, vol. III, 1919-1949, Craiova, MJM Publishing House, 2016.
  3. Ioan Scurtu (coord.), Istoria Românilor. Volumul VIII. România întregită (1919-1940), Encyclopedic Publishing House, 2003.
  4. SJAN Dolj, Documents collection of Craiova Police Office, the dossiers 1/1924, 4/1924, 15/1924, 1/1925, 2/1925, 5/1925, 6/1925, 1/1926, 2/1926, 1/1931, 2/1931, 8/1931, 1/1932, 5/1932, 7/1932, 9/1932, 10/1932, 11/1932, 12/1932, 14/1932, 1/1933, 2/1933, 3/1933, 4/1933, 7/1933, 8/1933, 10bis/1933, 13/1933, 16/1933, 3/1934, 5/1934, 19/1934, 24/1934, 1/1935, 2/1935, 11/1935, 27/1935, 17/1936, 20/1937, 5/1939, 31/1939, 1/1941, 11/1943.

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