Gabriel Nicolae PRICINĂ
Lecturer, PhD., Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Craiova, Romania;
Copyright (c) 2022.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Published on December 19, 2022
The present study is the result of a field research carried out in July 2022 in the municipality of Calafat in Dolj county. The findings of the study draw attention to global trends in urbanization. Currently, urbanization is an indicator of social development, and on a global level we find that societies registered on positive development trends also go through an intense process of urban development. This is also due to the fact that the city is at the same time both the result and the engine of the development of a society.
In the case of small communities in Romania, we observe a reverse process, of deurbanization of small urban communities. Forced industrialization from the communist period was followed by the lack of solutions necessary for economic performance. The consultation of statistical data and the correlation with the way the population of small towns perceives the reality allow the estimation that globalization has had a destructive effect on the incompletely developed small towns by focusing only on industrial production and ignoring all the necessities of the urbanization process.
urban sociology, urbanization, globalization, development, small town
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