Wednesday , February 19 2025

Gabriel PRICINĂ, Causes of Economic and Social Decline. Analogy with the Stockholm syndrome

Lecturer, PhD., University of Craiova, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Sociology Specialization, Romania;

Published on October 31, 2016

This article is based on a series of surveys that were conducted in Strehaia in the Mehedinti County. The statistical analyzes performed by consulting the database of the National Institute of Statistics, supplemented by field research regarding the prospects of development of the city have revealed that the level of development is low, and in the last twelve years have been missing a strategic thinking required for the community development. Local pride, the lack of vision and institutional objectives limited the institutional efforts to the electoral cycles and the fatality invoking as a cause of the current problems.

community development, public institutions, symbolic capital, Stockholm syndrome, elite.


  1. Nathalie de Fabrique, Stephen J. Romano, Gregory M. Vecchi, Vincent B. Van Hasselt, Understanding Stokholm Syndrome, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, Volume 76, No 7, july 2007, available at
  2. Pierre Bourdieu, Rațiuni practice. O teorie a acțiunii, Bucharest, Meridiane Publishing House, 1999.
  3. National Institute of Statistic, Tempo online database, available at
  4. Liviu Chelcea, Cultură și dezvoltare: perspectiva antropologiei culturale, în Cătălin Zamfir, Laura Stoica (coord.), O nouă provocare: dezvoltarea socială, Craiova, Polirom Publishing House, 2006.

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