Tuesday , February 18 2025

Gabriel PRICINĂ, Characteristics of Urban Development in Romania

Lecturer, PhD., Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Craiova, Romania;
E-mail: gabrielpricina@gmail.com

Published on December 4, 2018

Urban development is influenced by many elements specific to the society, geopolitical conditions, economic and social challenges, the clarity of urban planning and the capacity to develop strategies aimed at adapting urban life to the needs of the population and the community. Over time, authors such as Max Weber, Georg Siemmel, Henri Lefebvre, Walter Benjamin, or the Chicago School specialists. These initial efforts have been taken over and used by specialists with different backgrounds in urban planning. The results of their research revealed multiple relationships and interconnections between the dimensions of urban life. The success of urban management is dependent on the ability to identify and efficiently exploit the opportunities offered by the city. Moreover, the researches revealed that in the absence of any concerns about the harmonious development of the city, undesirable phenomena will affect the life of the inhabitants and will lead to the decline of the city, such as unemployment, crime, insufficiency or poor quality of urban infrastructure and reduced opportunities for economic and commercial activities, etc. The city is in a permanent dynamics, and the lack of a sense of urban policy will be replaced by a chaotic deployment of phenomena with negative effects.
This article discusses the main legal indicators of housing in the top ten cities of Romania. The conclusions will allow assessments of the characteristics of the urbanization processes and their capacity to increase urban life quality.

urbanization, housing, modernization, competitiveness, lifequality


  1. United Nations Human Settlements Programme, Enhancing Urban Safety and Security, Global Report on Human Settlement 2007, Earthscan, London.
  2. Dana Corenelia Nițulescu, Procesul de gentrificare a spațiilor de locuit urbane, în “Calitatea Vieții”, XVII, nr. 3-4, 2006.
  3. Max Weber, The City, Glencoe, IL, Free Press, 1958, apud. Simon Parker, Urban Theory and the Urban Experience. Eencountering the city, Routledge, London adn New York, 2004.
  4. Georg Simmel, The Metropolis and Mental Life in Wolff K.H. (ed.), The Sociology of Georg Simmel, Glencoe, IL: Free Press.
  5. Henri Lefebvre, The Production of Space, Blackwell Publishing, 1991.
  6. National Institute of Statistics, Tempo Online database, 107D matrix, consulted in the period of 14-20 May 2018.

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