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Gabriel PRICINĂ, Cosmin Mihai PRICINĂ, Definitory elements of Craiova in the opinions of citizens

Lecturer, PhD., Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Craiova, Romania;
E-mail: gabrielpricina@gmail.com

Cosmin Mihai PRICINĂ
PhD. Candidate, Faculty of Law, University of Craiova, Romania;
E-mail: pricinamihai@gmail.com

Published on December 20, 2021

Analyzes regarding the urban spaces were carried out according to the principles established by the local mayors, according to the recommendations of the specialists or the imitation of the success of other urban communities. The present study reveals the characteristics that influence the opinions of the citizens of the city in accordance with certain aspects. The recommendations and the appreciation of certain representative objectives are correlated in subsidiary with the valorization of certain areas of the city according to the real estate interests or the social status. Living close to the symbolic objectives of the city and the neighborhoods associated with well-being and social success are aspects that cannot be neglected in urban planning.
The need to expand the public spaces of cities involves investments in all areas of cities, in order to initiate the idea of crystallizing the community spirit around public spaces of general interest. In such situations there are rejections of investments from personal residence.
This article is based on exploratory research conducted in Craiova on the population’s assessments of identity objectives and city areas.

urban sociology, gentrification, neighborhoods, architecture, urban symbolism


  1. Gordon Cullen, The concise townscape, Arhitectural Press, Taylor&Francis Ltd., 1971.
  2. Mattei Dogan, Sociology among the social sciences, in E. Borgata, R. J.V. Montgomery, Encicoledia of Sociology- Second Edition, MacMillan Reference USA, 2000.
  3. Simon Parker, Urban Theory and the Urban Experience, Taylor &Francis, 2004.
  4. Kevin Lynch, A Theory of Good City Form, The MIT Press Ltd, USA 1981.
  5. Kirsten Paton, “Beyond legacy: Backstage stigmatisation and ′trickle up′ politics of urban regeneration”, The Sociological Review Monograph, 2018, Vol. 66(4).
  6. E.S. Bogardus, Social Distance in the City in Ernest W. Burgess, The Urban Community, The University Chicago Press, USA, 1926.
  7. National Institute of Statistics, Tempo Online Database, http://statistici.insse.ro:8077/tempo-online/#/pages/tables/insse-table, consulted on 12.09.2021
  8. Dolj County Directorate of Statistics, https://dolj.insse.ro/, site consulted on 12.09.2021

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