Lecturer, PhD., Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Craiova, Romania;
Published on December 17, 2020
The coronavirus pandemic is proving to be more than a medical crisis. The economic and social effects generate fears of the population about the future and due to the current context the behaviors will certainly persist for a long time.
This article results from the study of social dynamics in the current context, characterized by unique phenomena and processes, which began with the medical crisis and which will probably continue for a long time after overcoming it. Analyzes performed offer different perspectives for understanding the implications that extend from the medical dimension to the social and economic dimensions. The recording of somepoints of view regarding the coronavirus pandemic, available in the public media, was continued by conducting a sociological research in the online environment, where a number of 1356 people responded. The secondary analysis of the collected data allows the comparison of the opinions expressed by the population with the points of view expressed publicly, providing an image of the convergence between the measures adopted by the authorities and the expectations of the population.
This study includes references regarding the evolution of the pandemic, the consequences and measures in different societies which influenced the public perception and in the end we included opinions of citizens regarding the social and economic context due to the health crisis.
public health, crisis management, public institutions, public opinion, coronavirus
- David S. Hui, Esam I Azhar, Tariq A. Madani, Francine Ntoumi, Richard Kock, Osman Dar, Giuseppe Ippolito, Timothy D. Mchugh, Ziad A. Memish, Christian Drosten, Alimuddin Zumla,The continuing epidemicthreat of novel coronaviruses to global health – the latest novel coronavirus outbreakin Wuhan, China,in “International Journal of Infectious Diseases”, 91/2020, available at
- The Straits Times on 23 January 2020, visible at
- World Health Organization, available at
- Carlo Caduff, What Went Wrong Corona and the World after the Full Stop, available at accepted for publication in Medical Anthropology Quaterly).