Saturday , February 15 2025

The Symbolic Imaginary of Romanian Charms

Gabriela BOANGIU
3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD. “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in SocialStudies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;

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Published on December 3, 2023

The way in which the disenchantments ware perceived in the old times communities, presents numerous particularities that we shall try to detail further on, following, on one side, the signs, the symptomatology, its description, and on the other side, the structure of the disenchantment, the way it is stylistically constructed, its typology: of cure, of household’s protection etc.
The content of disenchantment has certain particularities, including its atypical structure, doesn’t include rhymed lyrics, the formulations have their own logical meaning and, sometimes, it is significant the way in which it is spoken – whispered, as a repertoire or jerkily.
The reasons for the evil eye can be diverse and they talk about the way in which certain qualities or attributions are perceived, the disenchantment describing sometimes a genuine ceremonial, meant to reestablish the initial order. The content of the disenchantment referrers to certain additional elements, certain plants with prophylactic valences, to specific attitudes.
The particularities of these protective practices include either some references to the prophylactic, apothropaic elements – of keeping away the evil, of protection (not to catch it): garlic, basil or different practices meant to remove the evil eye. The typology of the disenchantment takes into consideration their destination, being either a remedy, either protection for the households.
These former practices lead to a wide range of gestures orientated towards prophylaxis and remedies, an ensemble of attitudes that draw the attention of the researchers through the richness of their symbolism.

Evil eye, symbolic gestuality, customs, symbolic practices, Romanian charms


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