Saturday , February 15 2025

Gabriela BOANGIU, Types of Property and Reconfigurations of the Concept of Property, in the 19th and 20th Centuries in Romania

Gabriela BOANGIU
3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD., “C. S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;

Published on December 4, 2018

There are different criteria that can represent the basis of a viable classification on addressing the property, either depending on the period in which the ownership and the right to property are placed, or on the typology of owners, and the typology of the possessed objects.
The new conditions appeared after the elimination of feudalism, and the forming of the capitalist relations, led to socio-cultural effects, in all the aspects of the social life, especially on addressing the right to property.
The development of merchandise production, and the consolidation of central power, determined the uniformity of legal norms, manifested in ample written regulations, which determined that the right to property to be regulated by ample norms, codes (of Calimach, Caragea etc.), and some special legislations (land records, charters, etc.), legal books, along with some Byzantine norms.

property, the right to property, the typology of owners, codes of laws, the forming of the capitalist relations.


  1. Vladimir Hanga (coordinator), Istoria dreptului românesc, Vol. I, Bucharest, Romanian Academy Publishing, 1980.
  2. Uricariu, VII, pp. 237-238; Surete, XV.
  3. Vladimir Hanga (coordinator), Istoria dreptului românesc, Vol. I, Bucharest, Romanian Academy Publishing, 1980.
  4. Cf. H.H. Stahl, Contribuţii la studiul satelor devălmaşe româneşti, vol III, parte V, chapter III.
  5. Nicolae Iorga, Discursuri, p. 304, apud. Vladimir Hanga, op. cit., vol. II, part. II.
  6. Dumitru Şandru, Colectivizarea agriculturii şi problema agrară: repere social-politice, in Dorin Dobrincu, Constantin Iordachi (editors), Ţărănimea şi puterea – Procesul de colectivizare a agriculturii în România (1949-1962), Iaşi, Polirom Publishing, 2005.
  7. Gheorghe Micle, Răscoala pământului. Istoria luptelor politice ale ţărănimii române, 1933-1945, “Frontul Plugarilor” Publishing, f.l., f.a., p. 381, apud. Dumitru Şandru, op. cit., 2005.
  8. National Peasant Party, Programme-Manifesto, October 1944, Bucharest, f.e., f.a., pp. 4-8, apud. Dumitru Şandru, op. cit., 2005.

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