Wednesday , February 19 2025

Gabriela MOTOI, A Comparative Statistical Outlook on Several Demographic Indicators in France and Romania

Gabriela MOTOI
Lecturer, PhD., Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Craiova, Romania;

Published on December 4, 2018

This article is a part of a wider sociological analysis, conducted in a comparative manner, on Romanian and French societies. The article is analysing, from a statistical point of view, several indicators such as the population volume, birth rate and mortality rate, which can be both causes and consequences of the functionality or malfunction of the social policies (especially those in the field of family and health). Starting from the analysis of these indicators, it can be considered, without any doubt, that France can be an example of good practice in terms of social policies in the field of family and health, an example that Romania could also take over and put into practice.

population, birth and mortality rates, population ageing, health systems.


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