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Georgeta GHIONEA, Glimpses from the Past of an Old Family from Rm. Vâlcea: Simian Family

Georgeta GHIONEA
3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;

Published on October 31, 2016

In the Romanian historiography, after 1990, there have been noticed numerous preoccupations of the specialists, to rebuilt aspects from the life and activity of some people who left their mark on the area in which they activated. Simian family wrote a significant part of history from the town of Rm. Vâlcea, as a prosperous family, whose members rapidly advanced on the ladder of the social hierarchy of the town that spreads around Capela Hill. We managed to create an image of this old family from Oltenia, with the objective, limited by the so far researched sources, to reveal aspects from the economic, financial, political and private area of their life.

Simian family, Râmnicu. Vâlcea, industrialists, politicians, destiny.


  1. Sălişte, a village in the region called “mărginime-frontier line” situated in the south of Transylvania, on the foot of Sibiu Mountains, in I. Haşeganu, Mărginenii în viaţa economică a Transilvaniei şi a Vechiului Regat, Braşov, 1941.
  2. Vâlcea County Department of the National Archives, The National Bank of Romania fund, Rm. Vâlcea Agency, file no. 4/1903-1933, fund the National Bank of Romania, Rm. Vâlcea Agency, file no. 80/1937-1949, “Oprea Simian and Sons” Company fund, file no. 1/1925-1944, “Oprea Simian and Sons” Company fund, file no. 1/1939, The National Bank of Romania fund, Rm. Vâlcea Agency, file no. 4/1903-1933, The Chamber of Commerce and Industry from Vâlcea fund, file no. 33/1931,
  3. SJAN Dolj, fund the Chamber of Commerce and Industry from Craiova, file 29/1921.
  4. Corneliu Tamaş, Istoria Râmnicului, Rm. Vâlcea, Antim Ivireanul Publishing House, 1994.
  5. “Official Gazette”, no. 298/22nd of December 1938.
  6. “Îndrumarea Vâlcii”, Rm. Vâlcea, no. 2/1 September 1932.
  7. Radu Livezeanu, Scurtă privire asupra vieţii Organizaţiei Partidului Naţional Ţărănesc din judeţul Vâlcea, între anii 1919-1998, Rm. Vâlcea, Conphys Publishing House, 1999.
  8. Diana-Mihaela Păunoiu, Rezidenţa regală a Ţinutului Olt (1938-1940), Bucharest, Romanian Academy Publishing House, 2012.
  9. Gheorghe Dican, Comorile Casei Simian, available online at
  10. Mihai Pelin, Opisul emigraţiei politice, Bucharest, Compania Publishing House, 2002.

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