Saturday , February 15 2025

Georgeta GHIONEA, Minorities from Drăgăşani. Sole-partnership Companies and Employees, in the Inter-war Period

Georgeta GHIONEA
3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD., “C. S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;

Published on December 4, 2018

In our endeavour, we have tried to shed a new light on the history of commerce from Drăgăşani, accentuating the activity of “the foreign entrepreneurs”, who functioned in the locality. The information gathered until the present moment, indicates the living within the community, besides the Romanians of majority, of some families of Jews, Italians, Serbians, Macedonians, Bulgarians, Germans, not very numerous, but well-organised, who enjoyed financial stability, and who became renowned as a significant presence in the economic dynamic of the locality. The reconstruction of the most important moments was realised owing to the documents kept in the archives, and few written confessions, and we have the firm conviction that the lists that we have drawn-up can be made complete in the future, with relevant names and facts, in certain periods of time.

Drăgăşani, minorities, entrepreneur, trader, merchant.


  1. Mişu Mihăilescu, Bilanţ şi reculegere, in “Gazeta Drăgăşanilor”, no. 2nd/6th of July 1914.
  2. Ionel Mirescu, Liviu Mirescu, Livia Mirescu, Municipiul Drăgăşani. Monografie geografică, Verguleasa, KITCOM Publishing, 2008.
  3. Teodor Barbu, Drăgăşani între legendă şi adevăr. Pagini de istorie culturală, Verguleasa, KITCOM Publishing, 2014.
  4. Serviciul Judeţean al Arhivelor Naţionale (Vâlcea County Department of National Archives), fund of Drăgăşani Police Commissariat, file 22/1942-1943, file 492/1931, file 81/1932, file 5/1938-1939, file 22/1942-1943, file 358/1931
  5. Athanasoiu Torula Gheorghe died at Rm. Vâlcea, in 1928, in S.J.A.N. Vâlcea, fund of Drăgăşani Police Commissariat, file 5/1938-1939.
  6. Hristea Zistatopol arrived in Drăgăşani in 1899, he was married and had 3 children, in S.J.A.N. Vâlcea, fund of Drăgăşani Police Commissariat, file 5/1938-1939.
  7. Georgeta Ghionea, Istoria băncilor urbane din Oltenia în date, statistici şi corespondenţă (1880-1948), Târgovişte, Cetatea de Scaun Publishing, 2015.
  8. Nicu Alexie, Am râs mult şi am plâns puţin. Memoriile unui oltean, Bucharest, Garamond Publishing, 2005.
  9. Emil Istocescu, Teodor Barbu, Constantin Şerban, Monografia Municipiului Drăgăşani, Constanţa, Ex Ponto Publishing, 2004.
  10. Georgeta Ghionea, Comerţul drăgăşenean în perioada primei jumătăţi a secolului al XX-lea, in the volume Istoricul Dinică Ciobotea la 70 de ani, Craiova, Universitaria Publishing, 2017.
  11. Beghet Z. Mustafovici left the country in 1941, in S.J.A.N. Vâlcea, fund of Drăgăşani Police Commissariat, file 22/1942-1943.

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