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The Financial and the Economic Activity of Bond Credit Cooperatives from Interwar Oltenia

Georgeta GHIONEA
3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD. “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;

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Published on December 19, 2022

After 1919, the importance of bond credit cooperatives increased. For both the small rural producer and the civil servant, the people bank remained the most advantageous credit institution. In the first postwar decade, the most popular banks were in the Old Kingdom, and they had to be reinvigorated on the one hand, and, on the other hand, strengthened through attracting new funds. In the interwar period, the credit cooperatives from Oltenia granted loans, especially to those who used them for productive purposes: buying animals and land, purchasing tools and seeds, etc. After 1934, we noticed a huge demand for credit from the peasants, however, the central institutions asked for caution in contracting new debts, in order to avoid the situations encountered during the years of economic crisis.

The XXth century, Oltenia, credit cooperatives, leasing cooperatives, property


Barbu, E. P., Din istoria cooperației de consum și de credit din România, vol. II, Bucharest, Universul Press, 2000.

Calendarul Cooperației Oltene pe anul 1921 (1921), Craiova.

Dumitrescu-Bumbești, G., Monografia Băncei populare “Gilortul” din comuna Novaci, Gorj, Bucharest, 1910.

Ghionea, G., Croitoru, G. (2008), Aspecte privind băncile din județul Gorj între anii 1899-1948, in “Anuarul Institutului de Cercetări Socio-Umane «C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor»”, no. IX, Craiova, Aius Publishing, pp. 41-54.

Mateescu, A., Evoluția băncilor populare din Oltenia în perioada interbelică (1918-1938), Craiova, Universitaria Press, 2019.

Mateiescu, I., Popeangă, P., Uscătescu, V. (f.a.), Istoricul băncilor populare din judeţul Gorj, Craiova.

Dolj National Archives County Department, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Craiova Fund, social companies, file 59/1931; file 143/1931; file 165/1931; file 214/1931; file 227/1931; file 238/1931; 347/1931; file 353/1931; file 356/1931; file 357/1931; 390/1931; file 408/1931; file 420/1931; file 428/1931; file 441/1931; file 457/1932; Bank of Commerce Fund, file 20/1926; file 21/1926; file 23/1926.

Gorj National Archives County Department, “Gilortul” People Bank Fund, file 2/1938-1946.

Olt National Archives County Department, “Buna Vestire” People Bank Fund, file 9/1919; Buna Vestire” People Bank, Caracal Fund, file 1/1924; “Oltețul” People Bank Fund, file 513/1929-1943; “Prosperitatea” People Bank Fund, file 591/1929-1934;The National Bank of Romania, Slatina Branch Fund, file 173/1938-1939.

Vâlcea National Archives County Department, “Drăganul” People Bank Fund, file 265/1929-1945; “Albina” People Bank Fund, file 31/1930-1947.

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