Tuesday , February 18 2025

Georgeta GHIONEA, The minorities from Râmnicu Vâlcea. Economic Companies, Sole Proprietorships and Brands during the Inter-war Period

Georgeta GHIONEA
3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
E-mail: getaghionea@yahoo.com.

Published on October 31, 2017

Either we talk about the Italians, the Greeks, the Macedonians, the Germans or the Jews, or whether they were rich or modest people, the passing of these minorities through Râmnicu Vâlcea played an important role in the intensification of the rhythm of urbanisation and modernisation of the town. There are few local industries in which the Italians, the Germans, the Turks or the Jews become involved, all of them proving to be good craftsmen, entrepreneurs or traders. For some of the foreigners who came and remained in Râmnicu Vâlcea, and which we have been able to identify, until now, the archive information notifies the locality from where they came, the place of birth, along with their previous occupation. Due to the fact that the numbering of the buildings has suffered, in time, repeated modifications, we have managed to present their firms, from the main commercial routes, according to the number of the place where the firm was, as found in the archive documents.

Râmnicu Vâlcea, minorities, entrepreneur, trader, merchant.


  1. Sabin Manuilă, PhD., Studiu etnografic asupra populaţiei României, Bucharest, 1940.
  2. The general census of the Romanian population from the 29 of December 1930, Bucharest, volume II, 1938.
  3. The County Department of the National Archives from Vâlcea, fund Vâlcea County Prefect’s Office, file 36/1906, fund the Chamber of Commerce and Industry from Vâlcea, file 12/1936, fund the Chamber of Commerce and Industry from Vâlcea, file 25/1931, fund the Chamber of Commerce and Industry from Vâlcea, file 1/1941, fund the Community of the Jews from Rm. Vâlcea, file 5/1941, fund the Chamber of Commerce and Industry from Vâlcea, file 41/1932,
  4. Sabin Drăgulin, Fenomenul migrator în România. Studiu de caz: italienii (1868-2010), in “Sfera Politicii”, volume XIX, no. 4(158)/2011, available at http://www.sferapoliticii.ro/sfera/158/art02-Dragulin.php.
  5. Florin Epure, Antonio Copetti, un italian la Râmnic, Curierul de Râmnic, 21st of March 2011, available at www râmnic.ro/articole/antonio-copetti-un-italian-la-râmnic-35224/2011-03-21.
  6. The Official Gazette, no. 283/22 of December 1927, mno. 65/22nd of June 1912, no. 48/2(15) of June 1905, no. 120/4 of June 1925, no. 217/18 of September 1940
  7. Amalia Boari, Bogdan Boari, Italieni la Rm. Vâlcea. Familia Boari, in: Siamo di nuovo insieme, new series, no. 47-48/2014.
  8. Titi Mihail Gherghina, Imagini citadine din Râmnicul de altădată, Rm. Vâlcea, Almarom Publishing House, 2007.
  9. Titi Mihail Gherghina, Despre industria şi comerţul râmnicean, Rm. Vâlcea, Almarom Publishing House, 2006.
  10. Solomon Kleinberg married to Henrieta Avram Şaraga, from Roman, in Of. G., no. 32/12(25) of May 1916.

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