Tuesday , February 18 2025

Guillermo GÓMEZ SÁNCHEZ-FERRER, Some Notes on the Spanish Comedia Printed in Portugal during the 17th Century

Guillermo Gómez SÁNCHEZ-FERRER
Postdoctoral scholarship, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain;
E-mail: g.gomez.f@gmail.com.

Published on October 31, 2017

In this paper I intend to study the phenomenon of the Spanish theatre printed in Portugal during the first half of the 17th Century. Lope de Vega’s partes, Jacinto Cordero’s comedias, Manoel Coelho Rebello’s short pieces and several partes of the collection Comedias de Lisboa were printed either in Lisbon or in Coimbra. Considering the new data provided by researchers such as Iglesias Feijoo and Vega García-Luengos, I will analyse the material and cultural aspects of these editions to determine its relationship with their first readers and – as far as possible – with the Castilian book market. To accomplish that, I will apply some theoretical approaches that have proved to be especially helpful. Therefore, my investigation will analyse the books housed in different libraries – Biblioteca Nacional de España, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal or Hispanic Society of America, among others – considering the procedures of the Analytical Bibliography and according to the progresses achieved by Cultural Studies, Reception Aesthetics and the History of Reading; all of that in order to throw some light on a relatively unknown subject – the connection between the Spanish theatre and the Portuguese presses.

Spanish theatre, comedia nueva, Portuguese printers, “Officina craesbeeckiana”, Lope de Vega.


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  6. Jaime Moll, Problemas bibliográficos del libro del Siglo de Oro, Madrid, Arco/Libros, 2011.
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  8. Germán Vega García-Luengos, La transmisión del teatro en el siglo XVII, in Javier Huerta Calvo (dir.), Historia del teatro español, Madrid, Gredos, 2003.
  9. Don W. Cruikshank, Some aspects of Spanish book-production in the Golden Age, in “The Library”, nr. 31.1/1976.
  10. Don W. Cruikshank, “Literature” and the book trade in Golden-Age Spain, in “Modern Language Review”, nr. 73.4/1978.
  11. Keith Whinnom, The problem of the ‘best-seller’ in Spanish Golden-Age literature, in “Bulletin of Hispanic Studies”, nr. 57.3/1980.
  12. João José Alves Dias, Craesbeeck, uma dinastía de impressores em Portugal: elementos para o seu estudo, Lisbon, Associação portuguesa de livreiros alfarrabistas, 1996.
  13. José Camões, Del diálogo al combate lingüístico & Portugal restaurado: del combate político-militar al combate lingüístico en el teatro del siglo XVII, in Kazimierz Sabik, Karolina Kumor (coord.), La cultura del barroco español e iberoamericano y su contexto europeo, Poland, Instituto de Estudos Ibéricos e Iberoamericanos / Universidad de Varsovia, 2010.
  14. José Pedro Sousa, Magia e innovación en la ‘Comédia da Pastora Alfea o Los Encantos de Alfea’, de Simão Machado, in María Teresa Navarrete Navarrete & Miguel Soler Gallo (ed.), El eterno presente de la literatura, Roma, Aracne Publishing, 2013.
  15. Grupo PROLOPE (ed.), Comedias de Lope de Vega. Parte I, Lleida, Milenio / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 1997.
  16. Victor Dixon, La intervención de Lope en la publicación de sus comedias, in Almudena García González (ed.), En busca del Fénix. Quince estudios sobre Lope de Vega y su teatro, Madrid / Frankfurt am Main, Iberoamericana / Vervuert, 2013.
  17. Jaime Moll, El editor, el impresor y el librero, in Víctor Infantes, François López, Jean-François Botrel (ed.), Historia de la edición y de la lectura en España. 1472-1914, Madrid, Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez, 2003.
  18. Maria Grazia Profeti, I “Poetas valencianos”: due raccolte teatrali, in Varia bibliographica: homenaje a José Simón Díaz, Kassel, Reichenberger, 1988.
  19. Gonzalo Pontón, Sebastián de Cormellas, mercader de libros, in Felipe B. Pedraza Jiménez, Almudena García González (ed.), La comedia española en la imprenta catalana, Ciudad Real, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2014.

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