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Scrădeanu Kula from Pojogeni, Gorj County

3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD. “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;

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Published on December 21, 2024

From the medieval period, in the area of Oltenia, there have been preserved some tower-dwellings, which are reminiscent of the Byzantine ones or those of the Balkan world, through their structure and construction system. They are called, with a term of Turkish origin, kula (cule = tower). They are a type of construction representative only for the Oltenia area, with specific architectural elements such as the turret with pillars, and double functionality: residential house and place of defence.
In Gorj County there were several kulas, a large part of them being located along the Gilort Valley. Such a requirement was also met by the kula in the village of Pojogeni, Gorj County, built by the captain Ion Scrădeanu. This extremely important architectural monument, unfortunately, is no longer preserved today.
The kula had a rectangular shape, a height of 10.80 m up to the roof and levels (cellar and three floors).

Scrădeanu Kula, Pojogeni, architectural monument, Oltenia area, Gorj county


  1. SJAN Dolj, Commission of Historical Monuments, file 21, ff. 1-3.
  2. Atanasescu, Iancu; Grama, Valeriu, Culele din Oltenia, Craiova, Scrisul Românesc Press, 1974.
  3. Atanasescu, Iancu; Popescu, Pavel, Culele din Oltenia cu evoluția lor până în 2010, Craiova, f.e., 2012.
  4. Creţeanu, Radu; Creţeanu, Sarmiza, Culele din România, Bucharest, Meridiane Press, 1969.
  5. Drăghiceanu, Virgiliu, Monumentele istorice din Oltenia, in “Buletinul Comisiei Monumentelor Istorice”, year XXIV, fasc. 69, no. 115, 1931, p. 106.
  6. Tzigara-Samurcaș, Al., Scrieri despre arta românească, Supervised edition, introductory study, chronology, bibliography and footnotes by C. D. Zeletin, Bucharest, Meridiane Press, 1987.

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