3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
Published on October 31, 2017
In the last years of the 16th century, the ruler Michael the Brave legitimated rumânia (serfdom) in Wallachia, as a socio-juridical status of a certain part from the population of the Romanian state situated between the Carpathians and the Danube, through an “establishment” that bears its name. Numerous historians and sociologists (A. V. Gâdei, Constantin Giurescu, Constantin C. Giurescu, I. C. Filitti, H. H. Stahl, Dinică Ciobotea) have made a priority from the studying of this document with constitutional type provisions, due to its importance in ascertaining a new age in the Romanian social history (1595-1746). The classical studies of the historians Constantin Giurescu and Constantin C. Giurescu have remained a landmark in the Romanian historiography, on addressing this topic, being based on 80 documents, known at the moment of the research.
The other documents present the consequences of Michael the Brave’s Establishment, the ruler who both unified all the Romanians and made some dependant on the land they worked on: he who lived on other person’s land had to be serf of the landlord whose estate he was dependent on, at the moment of the enforcement. They refer only to special enforcements, following the sentence of the ruler Michael the Brave. The dependence established by Michael the Brave created a new category of serfs, who, in the entire 17th century, were called the dependent serfs, the estate dependent serfs or the inheritance dependent serfs.
Here is a definite example of the socio-juridical transformations from the Romanian society, at the half of the 17th century, begun during the ruling of this voivode, considered “the greatest ecclesiastic founder from the history of the Romanians”. In 1644, Matei Basarab, in his preoccupation to create landed properties for the monasteries built by himself, bought (took in serfdom) several villages. Among the villages that he bought for completing the estate of Strehaia monastery, there was the village of Busu.
Therefore, between 1644 and 1732, the dwellers from the village of Busu experienced the complexity and the mobility of the social evolution from the Romanian society.
the village Busu, freeing, rumân, Strehaia monastery, Michael the Brave’s Establishment
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