Tuesday , February 18 2025

Ileana CIOAREC, The Land Area Owned by the Monastery of Sadova

3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
E-mail: ileanacioarec@yahoo.com

Published on October 31, 2016

A monastery from Oltenia, built by Matei Basarab, who decorated and endowed it with assets, Jitianu represents a place of worship and of Romanian culture. It was founded between 1632 and 1633, on the ground of an older wooden church, erected by the ban Barbu Craiovescu, at the end of the 15th century and the beginning of the 16th century. The first mention in the documents of the wooden church was the charter from the 20th of June 1530 of Vlad Înecatul, through which it is given to Sadova monastery the estates of Nedeia and Zăval, because they were given “by the ban Pârvul of Craiova”.
The reconstruction of the ownership of Sadova monastery over the estates and the villages, could be done after a thorough analysis of the numerous documents from the Monastery register, along with other documents too. The typology of the papers that refer to the estates is extremely varied due to the great number of documents, and the period of time in which they were issued. There can be met charters of the rulers from Wallachia, from the 15th-17th centuries, sell and purchasing acts, books with the neighbouring areas, legal, ransom and confessing documents.

the monastery of Sadova, the estates, Matei Basarab, Wallachia, the Monastery register


  1. Manole Neagoe, Neagoe Basarab, Bucharest, Scientific Publishing House, 1971.
  2. Ştefan Ştefănescu, Bănia în Ţara Românească, second edition, revised and completed, Craiova, Alma Publishing House, 2009.
  3. Documente privind istoria României, B, Ţara Românească, the 16th century, vol. II, Bucharest, The Romanian Academy Publishing House, 1951.
  4. Documenta Romaniae Historica, B, Ţara Românească, vol. III, Bucharest, The Romanian Academy Publishing House, 1975.
  5. Florin Epure, Ctitoriile lui Matei Basarab în Oltenia, Bucharest, RAO Publishing House, 2014.
  6. Catalogul documentelor Ţării Româneşti din Arhivele Statului, vol. IX, Bucharest, 2012.
  7. SJAN Dolj, Cărţi de Hotărnicie Collection, file no. 773/1878-1879.
  8. Paul-Emanoil Barbu, Vladimir Osiac, Catagrafia judeţului Dolj din anul 1828, Craiova, Universitaria Publishing House, 2001.
  9. Ion Donat, Ion Pătroiu, Dinică Ciobotea, Catagrafia obştească a Ţării Româneşti din 1831, Craiova, Helios Publishing House.
  10. Dumitru Bălaşa, Mănăstirea Sadova, in “Mitropolia Olteniei”, no. 10-11, 1971.
  11. Catalogul documentelor Ţării Româneşti din Arhivele Statului, vol. IX.
  12. Iolanda Ţighiliu, Constantin Vodă Brâncoveanu împlinirea unui destin baroc, in “Sfântul Constantin Vodă Brâncoveanu ocrotitorul Episcopiei Slatinei şi Romanaţilor”, vol. II, Slatina, Episcopia Slatinei şi Romanaţilor Publishing House, 2014.

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