3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD. “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
Published on December 29, 2019
Native of the locality of Filiaşi, situated in the neighbourhood of the city of Craiova, from where the family took their family name, the Filişanu boyars are attested for the first time in the 15th century, when the documents mention a certain vornic (approx. magistrate) Neagu Mogoş.
The owners of a wide landed property, the Filişanu family can join other families with an old and far off boyar line, probably before the constituting of the feudal state of Wallachia. The existence of their estate is proved both by numerous testaments, and documents that used to establish the confines of a landed property, which remained as a testimony along the time. Its reconstitution had to be done by starting, first of all, from the estates from Dolj County, their birth place, obtained after donations, inheritances, and a long process of enslavement, concretised through purchases or invasions of the estate parts that used to belong to the freeholders (moşneni).
This boyar family had properties in almost all the counties of Oltenia: Dolj, Gorj and Mehedinţi. In Dolj County, Filişanu boyars used to possess the estates of Filiaşi, Piria, Tatomireşti, and Spinişorul de Jos.
In Mehedinţi County, Filişanu boyars owned the estates of Rogova, Ilovăţ, Nevăţ, Dârvari, Iablaniţa, Burila, Devesel.
The great number of estates that Filişanu boyars had in the counties of Dolj and Mehedinţi demonstrates the important economic and social role that they used to play in the Romanian society.
Filişanu boyars, the estates, the landed property, reconstitution, economic and social role
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