- Drafting conditions
- All materials must contain 8-14 pages and should be sent to the following addresses:, - Deadline for submitting materials to the editorial office is June, 30.
- Authors must provide ORCID. If they do not have yet, please access the link
- The text should be edited in Microsoft Office Word
- Format: B5 JIS
- Papers should be written in English, TNR (11) single line spacing.
- Papers should be accompanied by abstract and 5 keywords in English
- Articles should be organized using all of the following headings:
– Title
– Author (the scientific degree, didactic title, affiliation institution, email in the bottom of page)
– Abstract (between 150 and 250 words)
– Keywords
– Content of the paper
– Bibliography - Tables:
– All tables/figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals.
– Headings should be placed above the table (centred) for tables and below the figure (centred) for figures and graphs.
– Leave one line space between the heading and the table.
– All tables/figures must be numbered consecutively, all figures, and all tables respectively.
– Source of the data from the tables should be mentioned between each table (TNR 9).
– References cited in tables or figure legends should be included in the bibliography list.
- Footnotes
- Papers should contain footnotes, in continuous numbering, TNR (9) single line spacing.
- In the content of the note, the order of the data is as follows: author’s first name, family name, title of the work (in italics), volume, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, page.
- In some cases, the publisher does not mention the year of publication. Then, instead of the year, enter w.y. (=without year).
- If in the notes are made more references to the same work, proceed as follows:
– When reference is made immediately after the first mention of the work, the data is substituted by the term Ibidem, after which, when necessary, mention the page number(s).
– When a new reference to the same work follows after several footnotes, give only the name of the author, the rest of the data being supplemented by the words op. cit. (with italics), followed by the page number(s).
– When an author is cited with several works, interspersed with other footnotes, give the name of the author, title of the work (which may be abbreviated, in italics), then the page number(s).
– When an author is cited, successively, with several papers, his name is replaced by Idem.
– When the author quotes not from a primary source, but from another book, enter the word Apud (after).
– An author can be put in a position to cite information from a large number of pages of a single work. To avoid the risk of introducing a multitude of footnotes, may introduce, in this case, a single footnote in which, instead of page numbers, is inserted the term passim (everywhere).
1. Cezar Avram, Regimuri politice comparate. Fascism, Nazism, Stalinism, Craiova, Aius Publishing, 2008, p. 112.
2. Ibidem, 120-126.
3. Idem, Istoria politică a Europei secolelor XIX şi XX, Craiova, Reduta Publishing, 2003, p. 28.
4. Mihaela Bărbieru, Ileana Cioarec, Repere istorice și culturale: aspirații, certitudini și perspective, Craiova, Editura Sitech, 2015, passim.
5. Apud Sevastian Cercel, The Incapacity of the Married Woman in Interwar Romania: from the Issue of Legislative Unification to the Possibility of Practising Advocacy, in «Anuarul Institutului de Cercetări Socio-Umane “S. Nicolăescu-Plopșor”», no. XXIII/2022, Bucharest, Romanin Academy Publishing, pp. 23-25.
6. Mihaela Bărbieru, Ileana Cioarec, op. cit., p. 112 - Where is cited a study from a periodical, the name of the periodical should be written in normal letters between quotation marks, and the study’s title in italics. Roman numerals indicate the number of years of publication.
1. Sevastian Cercel, The Incapacity of the Married Woman in Interwar Romania: from the Issue of Legislative Unification to the Possibility of Practising Advocacy, in «Anuarul Institutului de Cercetări Socio-Umane “S. Nicolăescu-Plopșor”», no. XXIII/2022, Bucharest, Romanin Academy Publishing, pp. 25-27.
2. Mihaela Bărbieru, Anuarul Institutului de Cercetări Socio-Umane “S. Nicolăescu-Plopșor” în peisajul publicistic românesc, in “Arhivele Olteniei”, Serie nouă, nr. 36/2022, Bucharest, Romanin Academy Publishing, pp. 79-90. - Where is it cited a study published in a volume, proceed according to the following pattern:
Example: Mihaela Bărbieru, Alegerile prezidențiale din 2014 sau despre cum au fost influențate de social media, in Simona Lazăr, Mihaela Bărbieru (coord.), Frontiere și contacte. Fenomene locale, regionale și globale, Bucharest, Institutul Național pentru Studiul Totalitarismului Publishing House, 2022, p. 27. - Internet sites can become sources available for scientific research. In their citation, indicate the date of access, since it is assumed that a site may be subject to periodic changes:
Example: See, accessed at: February 23, 2023. - For manuscript sources: all identification data is passed
Example: Dolj National Archives County Department, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Craiova Fund, social companies, file 420/1931, f. 151 (further quoted as: SJAN…)
- Bibliography
It respects the alphabetical criterion and is written with TNR 11. The complete list of the bibliography cited in the text should be presented at the end of the paper, in alphabetical order by the name of the author.Please ensure that your references have all the details mentionned below (which are mandatory).
If the reference list contains two or more items by the same author in the same year, add a, b, etc. and list them alphabetically by title of the work:
- For books with one author:
Example: Lazăr, S., Sfârșitul epocii bronzului și începutul epocii fierului în sud-vestul României, Craiova, Universitaria Publishing, 2011. - For books with two authors:
Example: Bărbieru, M., Cioarec, I., Repere istorice și culturale: aspirații, certitudini și perspective, Craiova, Sitech Publishing, 2015. - For books with more than 3 authors: List all the authors.
- Study or chapter published in a volume:
Example: Bărbieru, M., Alegerile prezidențiale din 2014 sau despre cum au fost influențate de social media, in Simona Lazăr, Mihaela Bărbieru (coord.), Frontiere și contacte. Fenomene locale, regionale și globale, Bucharest, Institutul Național pentru Studiul Totalitarismului Publishing, 2022, pp. 23-32. - Article in a journal:
Example: Zăbavă, C., Carmina Balcanica – o revistă a dialogului intercultural, in „Arhivele Olteniei”, no. 36, Bucharest, Romanian Academy Publishing, 2022, pp. 121-128. - For article in a journal with two authors:
Example: Lazăr, S., Popovici, S., Contribuţii cu privire la plastica antropomorfă de tip Dudeşti și Vădastra din Oltenia, in „Arhivele Olteniei”, no. 35, Bucharest, Romanian Academy Publishing, 2021, pp. 7-23. - Article in a journal available online will also mention the date of access.
- Manuscript sources: Dolj National Archives County Department, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Craiova Fund, file 59/1931.
Please do not translate the original title of the books/articles, if they are not in English
The names of the cities of publishing are to be translated in English (ex: instead of using Bucuresti, please use Bucharest etc.)