1st Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
Published on December 20, 2021
Posterity ensured Jean-Jacques Rousseau with a glory tightly connected to the critique of history. The natural man has been perverted, his original qualities have been corrupted, and history, in its essence, started to move on the wrong path. Such a perspective, doubled by the solution found by Rousseau, that of restauration of the nature state and recovery of the man, obscured the profoundly philosophical qualities of his manner of thought. The present text, as a first part of an ampler study, attempts at discovering the metaphysical origin of this thought.
defective existence, nature, corruption, history, human
- I. Kant, Ideea unei istorii universale. Ce este luminarea. Începutul istoruiei omenirii. Spre pacea eternă, Casa Școalelor Press, 1943.
- Irina Bădescu, in Rousseau, Scrieri despre artă, prefață și tabel cronologic, p. XXXIII.
- I. Kant, Ideea unei istorii universale. Ce este luminarea. Începutul istoruiei omenirii. Spre pacea eternă, Casa Școalelor Press, 1943.