1st Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
Published on December 4, 2018
Despite the fact that the Romanian philosopher Constantin Noica wanted, his entire life, to write something similar to a philosophical guide for the young people, his desire was never put into practice. The present study presents the particular causes of this strange fact, and, especially, whether this intention could have been possible, considering the biography and the philosophy of Noica.
guide, young people, philosophy, biography, books.
- Constantin Noica, Jurnal filosofic, Humanitas, 1990.
- Constantin Noica, Jurnal de idei, Humanitas, 1990.
- Constantin Noica, Descartes, Două tratate filosofice, Bucharest, Humanitas Publishing, 1992.
- Descartes, Discurs asupra metodei, Bucharest, Stientific Publishing, 1957.
- Dominique Lecourt (coordinator), Dicţionar de istoria şi filosofia ştiinţelor, Iași, Polirom Publishing, 2005.
- Gabriel Liiceanu, Jurnalul de la Păltiniş, Bucharest, Cartea Românească Publishing, 1983.