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Ionela Carmen BANŢA, Folklore of the children. About Play, Playfullness and Children’s Games

Ionela Carmen BANŢA
Assoc. prof, PhD., Faculty of Letters, University of Craiova, Romania;

Published on December 4, 2018

The children’s folklore represents all artistic creations specific to children and the age of childhood, they form an important and full of significance branch of folk culture. The game is a cultural code, a means of communication, composed of playful signs and strict rules. The presence of a play code is mandatory in any game involving at least two partners.
The traditional children’s games maintain the features of the public game, a traditional manifestation in all the world’s cultures, adapting its rules and its way of life to the specificity of the age. At gaming platforms such as casinos that take paypal, you`ll find everything about playing games that offer different bonuses and promotions.

children’s folklore, play, playfullness, children’s games.


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  4. Ovidiu Bîrlea, Folclorul românesc, vol. II, Bucharest, Minerva Publishing, 1983.
  5. Petre Ispirescu, Jocuri şi jucării de copii (1889), in “Opere”, vol. II, Bucharest, Minerva Publishing, 1971.
  6. G. Dem. Teodorescu, Poezii populare române, Bucharest, Minerva Publishing, 1982.
  7. Ion Muşlea, Problema jocurilor noastre copilăreşti, in “Cercetări de etnografie şi folclor”, vol. II, Bucharest, Minerva Publishing.
  8. Johan Huizinga, Homo Ludens. Încercare de determinare a elementului ludic al culturii, Bucharest, Univers Publishing, 1977.
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