Iustina BURCI
2nd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD. “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
E-mail: iustinaburci@yahoo.com
Published on December 4, 2018
The subject of the present work is the investigation of a limited segment of toponyms, more specifically, the one represented by the denominations in which there is found the appellative boier-boyar. The analysed area was also limited, the region of Oltenia providing us with the necessary information.
The three directions of research considered the following aspects:
a) the internal structure of the denominations;
b) the quality of the term from the morphological and onomastic point of view;
c) the frequency that the actual constructions register in the inventory of the place names from Oltenia.
boyar, history, toponymy, structure, frequency.
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