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Iustina NICA BURCI, Simple toponyms with feminine anthroponomic base in the toponymy from Oltenia

2nd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD. “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in SocialStudies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
E-mail: iustinaburci@yahoo.com

Published on December 20, 2021

Most of the place names, originating from anthroponyms, have a masculine form. This is explicable, if we consider the fact that the men occupied the central place in the family life and in society. Only in their absence (due to their death, leaving to army etc., generally, their missing from home), or when the man entered, through marriage, in the woman’s household, the entire family would relate, on this
instance, to the name of the latter.
The present article endeavours the analysis of the simple toponyms from the region of Oltenia that are based on feminine names.

anthroponomic index, feminine names, transfer, toponymy


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