2nd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD. “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in SocialStudies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
E-mail: iustinaburci@yahoo.com
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.59277/CSNPISSH.2022.14
Copyright (c) 2022.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Published on December 19, 2022
The vast majority of place names are based, from a lexical–grammatical point of view, on nouns that denote things, beings, phenomena of nature, abstract notions. Less numerous than nouns, the adjectives have the ability to exploit to a much greater extent the imagination and creativity of those who observe and name the objects of the surrounding geographical environment and have a much more expressive character. In the pages of this article, we stopped at the analysis of a single adjective that has aroused, over time, ample discussion: frumos – beautiful. The structure of the names in the composition it is found, their frequency, lexical synonyms of the qualifier present in the toponymy are some of the directions of analysis.
adjective, frumos, place names, structure, frequency
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