Wednesday , February 19 2025

Katerina I. DYULGEROVA, New Information on the Churches in Gorna and Dolna Verenitsa in the Context of an Unpublished Document

PhD student, St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Department of Church Arts, Bulgaria;

Published on October 31, 2016

The report is published and analyzed for the first time, the document was found in a study of archival units in the RDA – Montana, which contains information related to issues concerning the overall decoration of churches in Gorna and Dolna Verenitsa. Despite a considerable number of existing scientific publications devoted to the two monuments, a number of significant issues regarding their dating and attribution are still unclear; circumstances capable of transforming the document into the “missing link” in the research. In the new text information is presented in detail and analyzed in comparison with different viewpoints put forward by scientists who have studied both monuments. Due to the historical specificity and territorial dynamics of the Vidin Diocese, the document also contains data leading beyond its current limits.

Newly discovered document, churches, Gorna Verenitsa, Dolna Verenitsa.


  1. Boris Boris Dyakovich, Archeological expedition in the Bulgarian Danube region, in “Collection of Folklore”, vol. XX, Sofia, 1904.
  2. Asen Vasiliev, Churches and monasteries in Western Bulgaria, in “Excavations and research”, vol IV, Sofia, 1950.
  3. Velda Mardi-Babikova, Scientifically-justified suggestion for declare cultural monuments the churches “St. Nikolai” in Dolna Verenitsa village and “St. Nikolai” in Gorna Verenitsa village, National Institute for Cultural Monuments, Mihailovgrad Region, Sofia, 1971.
  4. Ivanka Gergova, Bulgarian National Revival Art in Mihailovgrad region, Sofia, September Publishing State, 1983.
  5. M. Koeva, P. Yokimov, L. Stoilova. Orthodox temples in the Bulgarian lands, Sofia, Marin Drinov Publishing House, 2002.
  6. Asen Vasiliev, Ktetor portraits, Sofia, Bulgarian Academy of Science Publishing House, 1960.
  7. Asen Vasiliev, Master artisans from the period of the Bulgarian National Revival, Sofia, Science and Art Publishing House, 1965.
  8. Dora Kamenova, Frescos in the Iskrets monastery, Sofia, Bulgarian Artist Publishing House, 1984.
  9. I. Gergova, The dialogue between the sinner and Virgin Mary, in “Problems in Art”, no. 1/2012.
  10. Atanas Atanasov, Newly discovered Medieval frescos in the “St. Nikola” church in Dolna Verenitsa, Mihailovgrad region, in “General overview”, National Institute for Cultural Monuments, Sofia, 1989.

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