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Laurenţiu RADU, General Data Regarding the Sustainable Development of the South-West Oltenia Region

Laurenţiu RADU
3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD, “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
E-mail: xpatrick2013@yahoo.com

Published on October 31, 2016

This study will analyze the potential development and problems facing South-West Oltenia. There is conclusive evidence that the imbalances at the level of counties and regions create a huge gap which can slow down the pace of economic growth. Opportunities for businesses highlight the importance of SMEs in generating jobs. Another aspect is the research and development sector where investments are needed for developing and fostering entrepreneurial mindsets. Further on, this study reflects the importance of tourism, which, aligned to national objectives, helps the region’s sustainable economic development.

economic potential, economic development, development region, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), tourism.


  1. Dolj County Department of Statistics, Monthly Statistical Bulletin of the development region of South-West Oltenia, operational data, November 2015.
  2. Studiu privind stabilirea potenţialului socio-economic al zonelor rurale, The Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, available at http://www.madr.ro/docs/dezvoltare-rurala/programare
  3. Flavius Mihalache, Alin Croitoru, Mediul rural românesc: evoluţii şi involuţii. Schimbare socială şi antreprenoriat, Bucharest, Expert Publishing, 2011.
  4. Planul de Dezvoltare Regională Sud-Vest Oltenia 2014-2020, available at http://www.adroltenia.ro/planul-de-dezvoltare-regionala-2014-2020/
  5. Anul în care România a avut cei mai puţini şomeri după Revoluţie, in newapaper „Money.ro”, available at http://www.money.ro/anul-in-care-romania-a-avut-cei-mai-putini-someri-dupa-revolutie/
  6. Statistics Institute, Dolj County Department of Statistics, Monthly Statistical Bulletin of the development region of South-West Oltenia, November 2015.
  7. Regional Statistics Department of Olt County, Information on the place of Olt county in the South-West Oltenia Region, based on territorial indicators, avialebel at http://www.prefecturaolt.ro/comunicate/2014/comisii/colegiu/12drs.pdf
  8. National Banck of Romania, Foreign direct investments in Romania, available at http://www.bnr.ro/PublicationDocuments.aspx?icid=9403
  9. Planul de dezvoltare regională Sud-Vest Oltenia 2014, p. 283, available at http://www.adroltenia.ro/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/PDR-SV-Oltenia-2014-2020-1.pdf
  10. Bogdan Alecu, Ford România reduce numărul angajaţilor disponibilizaţi de la uzina din Craiova, in „Ziarul Financiar”, available at http://www.zf.ro/zf-news/ford-romania-reduce-numarul-angajatilor-disponibilizati-de-la-uzina-de-la-craiova-13942153
  11. Raportul Fundaţiei Post-Privatizare privind sectorul IMM din România, 2013, pp. 65-80.
  12. Eurostat, Eurostat, Social Media, Statistical data of the National Statistics Institute, available at http://ec.europa.eu/eurostatm

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