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Political, Economic and Social Options in Interwar Romania

Laurenţiu RADU
3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;

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Published on December 3, 2023

In the interwar period, as Romania crystallized its conception of a national state, the options for political, economic and social development matured. The two decades (1919-1939) represented an era full of vitality and creativity, in which Romanians from all social strata experienced new ideas in most areas of life. But, at the same time, it was also an era of disputes and divisions, because the Romanians were forced to reorganize institutions established a long time ago and to face the problems of a bourgeois society on the rise, on the way towards urbanization, a phenomenon common to all of Europe.
In politics, the main concern was the survival and strengthening of parliamentary democracy faced with serious challenges from the forces of authoritarianism.
From an economic point of view, agriculture remained the basis of the Romanian economy, continued to be the main occupation of the majority of the population and provided significant amounts of money through exports. At the same time, industry has made substantial progress, constantly increasing its contribution to national income. Regarding the social structure, as before the First World War, the peasantry constituted the majority of the population. The urban working class continued to grow as industry and commerce increasingly attracted the interest of politicians. However, the social category that left its mark on the interwar period was the bourgeoisie, which, although it was reduced in number during this period, managed to become the leading force in both political and economic life.

interwar period, democratic institutions, political, industry, social structures


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