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Livia POGAN, A Chronological Perspective on Work-life Balance

Teaching Assistant, PhD., Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, University “Lucian Blaga” of Sibiu, Romania;
E-mail: livia.pogan@ulbsibiu.ro

Published on December 4, 2018

In this paper we will capture the characteristics of interlocking relationships that arise from family and professional roles, highlighting the effects on the individual and family relationships, through a comparative analysis from a chronological perspective of several studies conducted in European countries between 1980–2010. All of these studies analyze different aspects of work-family relationship.
The main feature of the contemporary world is the accelerated change of social institutions and all types of social relations, with direct influence on family, which is constantly adapting to demographic transformations. Work is also affected by both technological and social increasingly rapid changes. Therefore, a greater number of young adults, and not only them, even companies and communities, complain about a poor work-life relationship.

work-life balance, role conflict, work-family relationship.


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  6. Daphne Stevens, Krista Minnote, Susan Mannon, Garry Kiger, Examining the neglected side of the work family interface, in “Journal of Family Issues”, 28 (2), 2007.
  7. Valerie Oppenheimer, Women’s Employment and the Gains to Marriage: The Specialization and Trading Model of Marriage, in “Annual Review of Sociology”, 23, 1997.
  8. Michael Frone, Work – family balance, in “Handbook of occupational health psychology”, Washington DC, American Psychological Association, 2003.
  9. Steven Hobfoll, Conservation of Resources: A new attempt at conceptualizing stress, in “American Psychologist”, Vol. 44(3), 1989.
  10. Alicia Grandey, Russell Cropanzano, The Conservation of Resources Model Applied to Work Family Conflict and Strain, in “Journal of Vocational Behavior”, Volume 54, Issue 2, 1999,

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