Loredana-Maria ILIN-GROZOIU
3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
E-mail: lorelayy2007@yahoo.com
Published on December 29, 2019
The information on the Romanian folkloric tradition recorded by Anton-Maria Del Chiaro in the work Revoluțiile Valahiei contributes to the familiarisation with the manner in which the members of the community from Wallachia, in the Middle Age, were giving signification for their existence and experience.
Although, in the areal investigated by the foreign traveller, the challenges of the modernity determine obvious functional mutations in the system of beliefs and practices related to the major events of the biblical history, the disappearance of the traditional information is not an object. Even if the mentality on life has changed, the customs are practiced continuously and answer to the contemporary cultural and social needs.
Wallachia, writings, Middle Age, folkloric manifestations
- Adrian Fochi, Dimitrie Cantemir etnograf și folclorist, in “R.E.F.”, year IX, 1964, no. 1.
- Dimitrie Cantemir, Descrierea Moldovei, Bucharest, Romanian Academy Publishing, 1973.
- Anton-Maria Del Chiaro, Revoluţiile Valahiei, Iași, 1929.
- Vasile Golban, Dimensiunea etico-estetică a sărbătorii, Piatra-Neamț, Panteon Publishing, 1995.
- Mite Măneanu, Agricultura şi comerţul românesc în secolele XVIII-XIX, Drobeta Turnu-Severin, 1997.
- Loredana-Maria Ilin-Grozoiu, Întrebuințarea și motivul simbolic al țesăturilor în ceremonialul funerar din Oltenia, in “Studii și comunicări de etnologie”, volume XXXII, new series.
- Delia Suiogan, Darul-tradiție și continuitate, in “Memoria ethnologică”, no. 64-65/2017.