Saturday , February 15 2025

The Involvement of the Women in the Year-Round Traditional Customs that Promote Health

Loredana-Maria ILIN-GROZOIU
3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;

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Published on December 3, 2023

The present study, based on the information provided by the performers from Oltenia, resulting from personal field research, as well as on older documentary sources, aims to analyse the role of women in the ritual practices over the year, meant to promote the health of the individual.
In the first part, we emphasized the relationship between space and well-being, in the context of human existence, which is implicitly determined by the manifestations and developments of the individual, on the social scale, and by his intercommunity and spiritual relationships. Place and existence (man) are two indispensable and inter-crossing categories that attest and mark the life and the cultural dynamism of all the people: past, present and future. The human being lives in families, within the nation and in the community. This includes a space: home, household, groups of households.
In the investigation part, we took into account the woman’s involvement in the habits over the year in Oltenia, related primarily to the good health of the individual, which, together with the spiritual integrity, is the guarantee of prosperity in all compartments of life.

woman, calendar customs, diseases, sick person, Oltenia


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Informer Ban Eugenia, 74 years old, locality of Ruda, Vâlcea County, 2021.
Informer Marsanu Doina, 70 years old, locality of Dragotești, Dolj County, 2021.
Informer Vintilă Elena, 80 years old, locality of Bocșa, Vâlcea County, 2020.
Informer Popescu Violeta, 63 years old, locality of Apele Vii, Dolj County, 2020.
Informer Tulbea Constanța, 65 years old, locality of Greci, Olt County, 2021.
Informer Hermina Sârbu, 73 years old, Izimşa, Mehedinti County, 2020.
Informer Eugenia Ban, 74 years old, locality of Ruda, Vâlcea County, 2021.
Informer Rodica Mocanu, 62 years old, locality of Risipiți, Dolj County, 2020.
Informer Viorica Sârbu, 82 years old, locality of Lunca, Gorj County, 2020.
Informer Gheorghița Cochințu, 55 years old, Chilii, Olt County, 2020.
Informer Ioana Neață, 68 years old, locality of Frățila, Dolj County, 2021.
Informer Eugenia Raicea, 84 years old, locality of Drănic, Dolj County, 2020.
Informer Viorica Sârbu, 82 years old, locality of Lunca, Gorj County, 2020.
Informer Elena Ionescu, 70 years old, locality of Corlate, Dolj County, 2020.
Informer Elena Gusatu, 74 years old, locality of Cezieni, Olt County, 2021.
Informer Gabriela Florescu, locality of Crasna, Gorj County, 2021.
Informer Elena Toma, 87 years old, locality of Silea, Vâlcea County, 2020.

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