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The Prophylactic and Healing Effect of Woody Plants from the Spontaneous Flora

Loredana-Maria ILIN-GROZOIU
3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;

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Published on December 19, 2022

This study, based on the information provided by the performers from Oltenia, resulting from the personal field researches, aims to analyze the therapeutic action of the woody plants from the spontaneous flora, in the prophylaxis and the healing of various diseases.
In the first part we emphasized the use of the medicinal plants in phytotherapy since ancient times. In the CarpathianDanubianPontic space, the healing with the help of the plants was often associated with various magical practices, the diverse practices of the healer representing ancient legacies, passed from one generation to the next, over time being noticed the constitution of an unwritten code of cures.

In the investigation part, there were exemplified some cure weeds and dendromorphic symbols used by the dwellers of Oltenia for preserving their health, preventing illness and treating various diseases. These plants with a prophylactic and healing effect reveal ancient forms of ethnoiatry. Currently, in the researched area, the phytotherapeutic products, which aim to preserve or restore health, have gained considerable popularity.

traditional medicine, cure plants, Oltenia, diseases, sick person


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 Informer Sârbu Hermina, 73 years old, locality of Izimșa, Mehedinți County, 2020.

Informer Ungureanu Ana, 71 years old, locality of Gubandru, Olt County, 2020

Informer Ionescu Elena, 70 years old, locality of Corlate, Dolj County, 2020.

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Informer Dinu Doina, 74 years old, locality of Plopșoru, Gorj County, 2021.

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Informer Gusatu Elena, 74 years old, locality of Cezieni, Olt County, 2021.

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