Loredana-Maria ILIN-GROZOIU
3rd Degree Scientific Researcher, PhD., “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities from Craiova, of the Romanian Academy, Romania;
E-mail: lorelayy2007@yahoo.com
Published on December 4, 2018
Based on field investigations, the present research is to analyse the nuptial ceremony that evidences itself, within the investigated area, through the rites, ceremonial performances and ritual and magical practices that contain extremely old elements. The found information, taken from the folklore magazines, articles, studies or volumes, has been completed with recent field investigations that allow the studying of this type of ceremony, one which is still developing.
There has been analysed the ancient practice of wooing, the engagement, the ritual of fir-tree decoration, the ritual water drinking, the putting of the veil and of the scarf on the bride’s head, the shaving of the groom, the verbal rites, among which the forgiveness or the blessing received either from the parents or the godparents, the symbols of the hora (the dance), the rite of the common feast. The analysis of these sequences has been made on addressing all the stages of the ceremony, starting with the pre-nuptial ones, and continuing with the wedding ceremony itself.
rites of passage; the wedding ceremony; Oltenia; ancient traditions and pre-Christian rites; the rites, ceremonial performances and ritual and magical practices.
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